Thursday, 2 July 2009

Thursday 2 July 2009: A slight break in the kitchen

Sarah and my heart just left for Brisbane last night, but luckily I’ll get both back in five weeks time when I join them. This also has consequences for this secret, or soon to be not so secret, blog :) What it means is that the end of a chapter has arrived in this covert blog’s young existence, a sort of coming of age, as the cooking which will so gratefully be blogged about will not be from our checker-floored kitchen at 140 Dien Bien Phu, Saigon. Instead, the salivating smells and sound of sizzling will emanate somewhere from an apartment in Brisbane – hopefully without the masses of cockroaches (mostly dead or dying) and elusive mice that die in the sink and then miraculously disappear. Also, it means that there will be a temporary break from diarising Sarah’s cooking exploits until we are reunited. I also plan on documenting the dishes in picture form, which will add an extra element. Until then au revoir and bon appetit (or born up a tree as my sister says) for now!

In a hospitable kitchen in a freezing Pokhara, Nepal

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